Edible Wild Plants (Horta)
Intro Mini-Course


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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Welcome on a mini webcourse on edible wild plants (horta) by Jouko Kivimetsä

Foraging wild plants, horta hunting (horta is the Greek name for wild leafy greens used like lettuce) is an exciting hobby and a holistic lifestyle, really. I myself have been doing it from the 90’s and still I am so excited about it. I have been doing and teaching horta walks in many countries, especially in Finland and Crete, over 20 years. There are now over a hundred professional horta guides in Finland for this purpose, to make it a basic thing of human civilization. 

And now you can start, with simple babysteps, your never ending journey to the wonderful world of nutrition treasures offered by Mother Earth. Look at the videos on the following tabs (Part 1-4) and take them with you in nature to feel more secure of the plants, especially if you don't have anyone experienced horta expert with you. Which is always the best choice.

We start with nettle which is a wonder, all-heal plant that you can use in most any food and infusions. Also seeds of nettle are incredible to boost your health, especially for men.

Nettle is rich in:

  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Silicon
  • Beta-carotene
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamins C, D and K
  • Increases testosterone

We start with nettle which is a wonder, all-heal plant that you can use in most any food and infusions. Also seeds of nettle are incredible to boost your health, especially for men.

Nettle is rich in:

  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Silicon
  • Beta-carotene
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamins C, D and K
  • Increases testosterone

Dandelion is an often hated plant that everyone should really cherish. It has so many health qualities. It is like a ”Plummer of the Body” cleansing all the inner organs and especially it is one of the best friends of the liver. You can use it in salads, soups, infusions, smoothies, just on cheese bread, in endless ways. With dandelion you can eat leaves, buds, flowers and even the roots. This is presented on video. 

Dandelion is rich in:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Vitamines B, C, K1 and D
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Lutein
  • Inulin

Dandelion is an often hated plant that everyone should really cherish. It has so many health qualities. It is like a ”Plummer of the Body” cleansing all the inner organs and especially it is one of the best friends of the liver. You can use it in salads, soups, infusions, smoothies, just on cheese bread, in endless ways. With dandelion you can eat leaves, buds, flowers and even the roots. This is presented on video. 

Dandelion is rich in:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Vitamines B, C, K1 and D
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Lutein
  • Inulin

Plantain has two most popular forms that grow practically everywhere in the world where there are people. The other is narrow and the other round. Both have similar qualities and they help you breathing tract, digestion tract and urinary tract. Plus the leaves are good for your skin in many ways. And the seeds are rich in mucous substances and you can even use them in gluten free baking. 

Plantain is rich in:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Calcium
  • Aucubin
  • Silicic acid
  • Mucous substances
  • Vitamin C

Plantain has two most popular forms that grow practically everywhere in the world where there are people. The other is narrow and the other round. Both have similar qualities and they help you breathing tract, digestion tract and urinary tract. Plus the leaves are good for your skin in many ways. And the seeds are rich in mucous substances and you can even use them in gluten free baking. 

Plantain is rich in:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Calcium
  • Aucubin
  • Silicic acid
  • Mucous substances
  • Vitamin C

Free edible wild plant webinar on 9th of Oct. You will get a zoom link in our newsletter that you have subscribed for!

New webcourse on 10 best Central European wild edible is available now!

The holistic horta lifestyle, living with the most nutrition dense foodstuffs, collected yourself from Nature, is well opened up in this unique webcourse. Over 60 videos and text materials. The 10 best ten plants that you can find, recognize and use easiest and all with with unique taste and health qualities are presented so that you will have them as your new "family members"!