Wild edible plants belong
to everybody!
Thank you for ordering our webcourse on Horta life style!
You might want also to subscribe our newsletter to hear of our other activities like the Horta Road Show through most of Europe next autumn that Jouko will do from end of October to mid December. Take part in that and ask him to stop in your area! But subscribe the letter first!
Are you already familiar with our Nature's superfoods?
Our Nature everywhere has a treasure you might not have found yet: edible wild plants. These are not "weeds" to be underestimated as they belong to the top of the pyramid of nutrition kingdom. These orginal species contain loads of micronutrients that are difficult to get elsewhere. They have no empty calories and give many health benefits. In addition they taste delicious!
Our team, especially our teachers Jouko and Kata wish you to join us in our mission to teach these free, natural superfoods to everybody! We will be organized later as a non-profit organization with yearly association membership fee, but as of now, it does not cost you anything!
You can subscribe our future newsletter with the enclosed form. There we will inform you of our future hortawalks in Europe.
We will also give you content of how to find and use and enjoy horta. The most likely destinations this spring and next autumn will be in Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, North-Italy, South of France, Catalonia and Costa del Sol in Spain. But you can make a wish where we should come, when you have subscribed and get more info for that.
Jouko Kivimetsä is a very experienced wild food teacher from Finland, a paradise for wild food in pure and vast nature. Jouko has one of the longest experiences in Europe (for over 30 years) studying and teaching foraging in all climate zones. He is a teacher by profession, developer of teaching materials, professional use of horta (food production, restaurant menu’s, hospitality programs, school itineraries).
Katalina Kokavecz is a long term, international educator of Functional Medicine from Hungary. She has written a best seller book on how to reverse autoimmune condition with holistic life style changes. Horta lifestyle fits here perfectly1
If you want to learn the lifestyle with horta (wild edible leafy greens) and more of Jouko Kivimetsä's teaching, you will surely love this free mini webcourse on three best plants found practically everywhere in Europe and other continents. Start with them! See the intro video!
Easy to learn initial info how to recognize the plants, ideas how to cook with them, how to preserve them, what their taste and health properties are and why you should eat them.
Sign up here to hear more of Wild-Being activities in our newsletter and get instantly this minicourse for free. Maybe as your first step to start using the superfood treasures of Mother Earth, available in your close by surroundings.
Sign up to get more info of horta walks close to you and immediately a free horta minicourse!
Next autumn when the season has started, there are horta walks planned in these locations (subscribe our newsletter to know more!): Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Krakow, Bratislava, Wien, Budapest, Lubljana, Lago di Garda, Florence, Nice, Montpellier, Barcelona, Malaga.
Sign up NOW for the Free Mini Course
on Horta